Using dbuild

Using dbuild

The build configuration file

The central part of the build tool operation revolves around the build configuration file, which describes in detail which software projects are involved in the build, which version of each should be used, and many other aspects of the build process.

The build file is written in a JSON format. The file is parsed using the Typesafe config library, therefore the syntax of the file can be simplified by using the conventions of that library: double quotes and commas may be omitted, variable substitution is available, and other facilities are available. You should check the many options that are available to simplify the syntax of configuration file; they are all documented on the website of the config library. In addition, dbuild has one special feature concerning lists of strings: whenever a list of strings is expected, in the form x:[a,b,c], if you only have one element you can also omit the square brackets altogether, and just write x:a. The same automatic "single element to array" conversion also applies to other arrays of configuration elements; the various cases are described later. Note that the double quotes around strings can be omitted in most cases.

The order of items in the configuration file is never relevant, unless explicitly mentioned in the documentation. The top level of the configuration file is:

 "build"  : <build_section>,
 "options": <options_section>,
 "vars"   : { <substitution_var1, <substitution_var2>, ... }
 "properties" : [ <props-uri-1>, <props-uri-2>, ... ]
This section is required, and contains the main information needed to generate the build. It includes the description of the various projects, and other options that control the generation of the code. It is described in detail below.

This section is optional. It does not contain information that affect the build, but is used to control other aspects of dbuild, in particular options and tasks that should be executed after the build. At this time, the section may contain the following:

 "deploy"        : [ <deploy_1>, <deploy_2>, ... ]
 "notifications" : <notifications>
 "compare"       : [ <compare_1>, <compare_2>, ... ]
 "resolvers"     : { label1: resolv1, label2: resolv2, ...}
 "cleanup"       : <cleanup_options>
 "timeouts"      : <timeout_options>

The various options are described in detail in the rest of this guide.


This section is optional; it may contain a list of variables, in JSON format, whose content is simply substituted in the rest of the configuration file using the conventions of the Typesafe config library. For example, if you define it as:

vars: {
 a : "string1"
 b : "string2"

you can then insert in the rest of the file ${vars.a} and ${vars.b}, which will be replaced with the specified replacement strings. Sequences, or other arbitrary JSON structures, may also be defined and expanded in the same manner.

All of the standard Java system properties are automatically available under the vars.sys path, for example ${} or ${}. The same applies to properties passed via the command line. For instance in:

$ bin/dbuild -Dx.y=test config.dbuild

you can refer to the value of the property by using ${vars.sys.x.y}, also when defining further variables.

The path contains some special utility variables, computed by dbuild before the build is started. At this time, ${} contains a timestamp corresponding to the start of the build, which can be used to construct file names or artifact names, for example using the "set-version-suffix" option (see below).


This optional section may be used to define additional variables, by means of properties files. You can specify a single URI (as a string), or an array of URIs (as strings). In order to refer to local files, please use the formats `file:somefile.props` for relative pathnames, or `file:///absolute/path/somefile.props` for absolute paths. URIs that refer to http/https resources can also be used.

The variables will be defined using the name of the property, prefixed by "vars."; for example, `scala.binary.version` can be referred to as `${vars.scala.binary.version}`.

Because of the evaluation order, the strings of the URIs of property files may contain expansions of both system properties and shell environment variables; however, they may not refer to vars defined in the 'vars' section of the same file. Conversely, those 'vars' may contain expansions that refer to properties loaded using this properties list.

Properties files that come later in the list have priority. Variables that are defined locally, in the 'vars' section, take precedence in any case over all of the properties defined in the properties files of this list.

The build section

The build section has the following content:

 "projects": [ <dbuild_project1>, <dbuild_project2>,...],
The "projects" section is the most important one, and is the only one that is required in a dbuild configuration file. If you have no other sections, you can take advantage of the extended JSON syntax, and introduce the project section directly by writing: build.projects: [...]. The list of projects, enclosed in square brackets, describes the various software projects that should be built together by dbuild.
Rather than specifying for each project all of its parameters, some common options can optionally be just described once, and they will act as defaults for all the enclosed projects. These options are described in more detail on the page Build options, which also contains some examples.

Each project descriptions has this structure:

 "name"               : <project-name>
 "system"             : <build-system>
 "uri"                : <source-repository-uri>
 "set-version"        : <optional-output-version>
 "set-version-suffix" : <optional-output-version-suffix>
 "deps"               : <optional-dependencies-modifiers>
 "cross-version"      : <cross-version-selector>
 "check-missing"      : <check-missing-flag>
 "rewrite-overrides"  : <rewrite-overrides-flag>
 "use-jgit"           : <jgit-selector>
 "extra"              : <optional-extra-build-parameters>

Within a project description, only the name is mandatory; all the rest is optional, although you will almost certainly also need to specify uri and system. The options, in detail, are:

A string identifying the software project. The name can be arbitrary and it is only used within dbuild, although you will want to use something meaningful, like "akka" for Akka, or "scala-arm" for the Scala ARM project.
A string that describes the build system used by this software project. Possible values are "sbt", "ivy", "aether", and "assemble". A build system called "scala" exists, but it refers to an old Ant-based build script that is no longer in use (the Scala conpiler is now build using sbt). Additional mechanisms might be added in the future. If unspecified, "sbt" is used.

A string pointing to the source repository for this project. It can be git-based (if the uri begins with git:// or ends with .git), or svn (schemes http://, https://, svn://, only if an svn repository is detected).

A git/svn uri may optionally be followed by a '#' and either a commit hash, an svn version, or a branch name. For example, in:

"uri":  "git://"

dbuild will download and extract the most recent available version in the specified branch, or the exact version or commit in case if specified. If no prefix is added, dbuild will fetch the most recent version in git master, or svn head. In order to point to GitHub pull requests, it is possible to use a target like #pull/<NNN>/head

Some other source repository formats are used in special cases: the ivy: scheme is only used together with the Ivy build system (see below), and the nil: uri means that no source files are used. This options is normally always specified, but in case it should be missing, "nil:" will be used.

In order to specify private GitHub repositories, which need authentication, you may use the ssh scheme, and configure your GitHub account with the necessary keys. The uri will then have the form: ssh://

This component is optional, and normally not used. During compilation, dbuild automatically generates a special version string that is used while producing the various artifacts of each project. However, in case you need to obtain artifacts with a specific version string, you can completely override the default value by specifying a specific version string here. If you are planning to use this feature in order to release artifact, then you may need to set the option "cross-version" to "standard", as explained in the section The build options defaults.

As an alternative to "set-version", this options will change only the version suffix, while retaining the main version number that is defined by the project itself. For example, if the project defines as version "0.8.1-SNAPSHOT", and set-version-suffix is "test", the resulting version will be "0.8.1-test". If the suffix is set to the empty string, the version will become just "0.8.1". If both "set-version-suffix" and "set-version" are defined, the latter will take over, replacing the version string entirely.

If the special string "%commit%" (lowercase) is used for "set-version-suffix", the resulting suffix will be the string "-R" plus the commit of the project. If you prefer a shortened commit string, just append a numeric length; for example, "%commit%10" will only use the first ten characters of the commit hash string.


An all-numeric suffix string may be interpreted by Maven-related tools as referring to a "SNAPSHOT" version, which may lead to unexpected results. Please make sure to include at least one alphabetic character in your version suffix strings, in order to avoid any unintended behavior.


The optional "deps" section can be used to modify the way in which dbuild rewires certain dependencies of this project. This is an advanced option. For instance, it can be used to force dbuild to "forget" about some dependencies that it detected during dependency extraction, or it can be used to "inject" some dependencies that dbuild was unable to detect (or both). The content of this section is:

 "ignore" : [ mod1, mod2, ...]
 "inject" : [ mod1, mod2, ...]

Both "ignore" and "inject" are optional. The dependencies are specified in the form "organization#name".

deps.ignore: The dependencies in the ignore list will not be rewritten by dbuild. They are still part of the normal library dependencies of the project, however; they will just be resolved as they normally would be, within the project, rather than being rewritten to point to some other project compiled by dbuild.

For example:

  name:   scala-xml
  system: ivy
  uri:    "ivy:org.scala-lang.modules#scala-xml_2.11.0-M4;1.0-RC3"
  set-version: "1.0-RC3"
  deps.ignore: "org.scala-lang#scala-library"

This option exists only to address very specific cases in which dependency cycles exist that cannot be solved otherwise; however, its use is inherently difficult to control, and it should be avoided if at all possible. In particular, excluding libraries from dbuild's control may cause library conflicts due to different transitive dependencies, pulled in by different projects.

deps.inject: The opposite of the previous option, "inject" adds to the list of dependencies, as seen by dbuild, the specified modules. This option can be useful if, for whatever reason, dbuild could not detect a dependency. One case would be a transitive dependency that crosses a "space" boundary (see the page Spaces, later in this guide, for further details on using multiple spaces).

Please note that the options "deps.ignore" and "deps.inject" only affects dbuild's view of dependencies; they do not alter the list of library dependencies used within the project. If you wish to completely remove or add a dependency in an sbt project, you may need to use instead the "extra.commands" option, with a line like "set libraryDependencies ..." (see the sbt build section in this manual for further details on "extra.commands").

The options "deps.ignore" and "deps.inject" are an advanced feature, and should be used sparingly, if at all.

Controls the cross-versioning of the resulting artifacts. Please refer to the description at Build options for further details.
When set to true, dbuild will try to detect whether any of the Scala-based dependent libraries of this project are not part of the configuration file. Please refer to the description at Build options for further details.
When set to false, dbuild will not try to rewrite the dependencies that have been forced at a specific version by using sbt's "dependencyOverrides" setting. By default, dbuild will rewrite all dependencies. Please refer to the description at Build options for further details.
It controls whether, for special applications, jgit should be used in place of the standard git utility. This option is not normally needed.
The "extra" component is optional, as are all of its sub-components; it describes additional parameters used while building the project. Its content depends on the build system, as detailed in the following sections.

sbt-specific options

In this case the "extra" argument is a record with the following content:

 "sbt-version"         : <sbt-version>,
 "projects"            : [ subproj1, subproj2,... ]
 "exclude"             : [ subproj1, subproj2,... ]
 "run-tests"           : <run-tests>
 "test-tasks"          : [ task1, task2,... ]
 "skip-missing-tests"  : <skip-missing-tests>
 "options"             : [ opt1, opt2,... ]
 "commands"            : [ cmd1, cmd2,... ]
 "post-commands"       : [ cmd1, cmd2,... ]
 "settings"            : [ setting1, setting2,... ]
 "extraction-version"  : <compiler-version-string>

All of these fields are optional, and if missing a reasonable default value will be used (listed below for each option). The meaning of the various options is:

A string that specifies the version of sbt that should be used to compile this dbuild project. If not specified, the sbt version in use will be the one specified in the global build options property "sbt-version" (see Build options). If that is also missing, the default value "standard" will be assumed. In that case, an attempt will be made to autodetect the sbt version from the "" file of the project. Should that also be missing, dbuild will ask you to provide a version number.


From dbuild 0.9, the minimum required version of sbt is 0.13.5. That is due to an important bug fix that is not present in previous sbt versions. In case you need to build a project that requires the semantics of previous versions of sbt, the custom versions 0.12.5-dbuild and 0.13.3-dbuild are available, which are based on 0.12.4 and 0.13.2, respectively, and include the necessary fix. These unsupported sbt versions are available from the following repository, which should be added to your list of resolvers or to your Artifactory/Nexus proxy:


A sequence of strings (or a single string) that identifies a subset of the sbt subprojects that should be built within this dbuild project. For instance, you can specify:

"projects":  ["akka-actor"]

in order to compile only the "akka-actor" sbt project within Akka. For each of the specified subprojects, dbuild will also add recursively all of the subprojects that are in the same project and that are required dependencies of the specified ones; if the subproject is an sbt aggregate, its components will also be added. If the "projects" clause is absent, all of the subprojects will be included.

In place of a fixed name, each element of the list can also be a pattern. In that case, all of the sbt subprojects that match the given pattern will be be selected. Patterns may also be used to match subprojects that may or may not be present. The syntax is the shell-stype glob format, for instance some?patte[rR]n*. You can find here the full description of the supported syntax.

Note: if the sbt build file of your project does not specify any subproject name, sbt will generate a default subproject with a default name, which is not known in advance. That name may vary over time and may take arbitrary forms like "default-e3c4f7". If you need to refer to that subproject, you can use the predefined name "default-sbt-project", and dbuild will automatically resolve it to sbt's default subproject.

Sometimes it may be useful to split a single project into two or more parts. This clause can be used to exclude explicitly one or more of the subprojects, which can then be compiled in a different project within the same configuration file, using a different project name but using the same uri. Patterns may also be used to exclude a group of subprojects, which may or may not be present, with the same syntax as above.
Boolean value: if set to false, the project will be built but no tests will be run. Normally, each project is built first, then tested; if compilation succeeds but testing fails, the dbuild run will abort and no artifacts will be stored into the repository. If you set run-tests to false, however, testing for the affected project will be skipped, and the artifacts will be published at the end of the compilation stage. This is useful in case you would like to use the artifacts of a given project, even though its testing stage is currently failing for whatever reason.
It is possible to customize the list of tasks that should be executed during the testing stage. By default, its value is just test, but it can be modified in order to take into account different commands or configurations. This setting can be either a single string or a list of strings; each element can be just the name of a task, like test, or a configuration followed by a colon and a task name, like it:test. If an element does not include an explicit configuration, the "test" configuration is used for that task. Input tasks are also supported; everything that follows the first whitespace will be taken as the list of arguments to the input task.


If you use scripted as a test task, you will need to propagate the list of resolvers used by dbuild to the tests: by default, the scripted tests receive just the default sbt list of resolvers. You can do that by adding to commands the line:

"commands" : [ ...,
  "set scriptedLaunchOpts ++= Seq(\"\", (\"-Dsbt.repository.config=\"+(baseDirectory.value.getAbsolutePath())+\"/.dbuild/repositories\"), (\"-Dsbt.ivy.home=\"+(baseDirectory.value.getAbsolutePath())+\"/.dbuild/ivy2\"))"
Boolean value, default false. If set to true, any test tasks that are not defined in some of the subprojects will be just skipped for those subprojects. If set to false, dbuild expects the test tasks to be available in all the subprojects, and will stop with an error message if that is not the case.
A sequence of strings; they will be passed as-is as additional JVM options, appended to the default ones, while launching the sbt instance that is used to build this project.

A sequence of sbt commands; they will be executed by sbt only after dbuild rearranges the project dependencies, but prior to building. Note that a default list of commands (as detailed in Build options) will not be replaced by this option: the default commands will be executed before this list.

These commands are executed before building, but only after dbuild has adjusted the list of dependencies and the other settings in order to ensure that the various projects are built on top of each other. They should not be used therefore to to modify or append dependencies; you can use instead the option "settings", described below. These commands are also not run during extraction.


Prior to dbuild 0.9, commands were executed prior to dependency rewiring. If you were using commands like set libraryDependency ..., you will need to move them to the "settings" section, instead.

An optional sequence of additional sbt commands. If present, these commands will be run after building and testing.


It is possible to run arbitrary shell commands from either commands or post-commands, by using the eval command of sbt, in conjunction with Scala's Process facility. For example, a valid sbt command is:

eval scala.sys.process.Process(Seq("ls","-l")).lines foreach println

A sequence of sbt settings, in the format in which they would normally be specified in a .sbt file. These settings will be appended to the end of all other settings in the sbt project definitions, prior to the dbuild's dependency rewiring. It has a corresponding default in the option "sbt-settings", which can be specified once directly in the build section, as explained in the section Build options. If both defaults and project-specific settings are specified, they will be concatenated, with the latter caming last.

This value can be used to override the Scala compiler version used during dependency extraction. It is optional within each project; it is also possible to specify this option for all projects from the global build options (see Build options). In that case, the corresponding choice in each project, if present, will override the global value. For example:

build.options.extraction-version: "2.11.0-M5"
build.projects: [{
  name: "a"
  uri: "..."
  extra.extraction-version: "2.11.0-M4"
  name: "b"
  uri: "..."

In this case, Scala version 2.11.0-M5 will be used to determine the library dependencies of all projects, except for project "a", for which Scala version 2.11.0-M4 will be used.

More in detail, the "extraction-version" option can be either a fixed Scala version string, or the string "standard". In the latter case, each project will use the Scala version specified in its own build files in order to determine the project's dependencies. If no "extraction-version" option is specified anywhere, "standard" is assumed for all projects.

It is not normally necessary to specify this value explicitly, but it may be useful in case the project contains code that adds specific library dependencies depending on the Scala version in use, and the default Scala compiler used by the project in that specific branch is not compatible with the version of Scala that is being tested. For example, if a project was developed until recently using Scala 2.10.x, and its master branch still uses a Scala 2.10.x compiler, but at the same time there is some code that adds specific libraries when using the Scala 2.11.x compilers, then it may be useful to specify an "extraction" compiler version that belongs to the 2.11 family.

In general, it may be simple and effective to specify the extraction version just once, in the global build options, as shown in the example above.


Different versions of dbuild support different pre-releases of sbt 1.0.x. Versions prior to 0.9.8 support sbt 0.13.x. Version 0.9.8 supports 0.13.x and 1.0.0-M6. Version 0.9.9 supports 0.13.x and sbt 1.0.0 final.

Ivy-specific options

The Ivy build system works like a regular build mechanism, but rather than compiling the needed dependency from a source repository, it asks directly a Maven/Ivy repository for the requested binary code. Although that rather defeats the point of compiling all code using the same Scala version, it can nonetheless be quite useful in the case in which only a specific binary is available, for example in case of libraries that are proprietary and closed-source, or that are currently unmaintained.

The uri field follows the syntax "ivy:organization#name;revision". For example:

  name:   ivytest
  system: ivy
  uri:   "ivy:org.scala-sbt#compiler-interface;0.12.4"

If cross-versions are in use, the Scala version suffix must be explicitly added to the name, for example: "ivy:org.specs2#specs2_2.10;1.12.3". The "extra" options are the following:

 "main-jar"    : <true-or-false>
 "sources"     : <true-or-false>
 "javadoc"     : <true-or-false>
 "artifacts"   : [ <art1>, <art2>,... ]

All the fields are optional. The specification of an artifact is:

 "classifier"  : <classifier>
 "type"        : <type>
 "ext"         : <extension>
 "configs"     : [<conf1>, <conf2>,... ]>

The option main-jar controls whether the default binary jar is fetched from the repository, and it is true by default. The options sources grabs the source jar, and the option javadoc the documentation jar; both options are false by default. The field artifact can be used to retrieve only specific artifacts from the module.

The four properties of the artifact specification are optional, and map directly to the components of the Ivy resolution pattern. If no property classifier is present, or if it is the empty string, the classifier will remain unspecified. The fields type and ext, if omitted, will default to the string "jar". The field configs can optionally be used to specify one or more Ivy configuration; if missing, the configuration default will be used. For example, the javadoc jar of a module can also be obtained by specifying an artifact in which the classifier is "javadoc", the type is "doc", the file extension is "jar", and the configuration is "javadoc".

Aether-specific options

The Aether build system is similar to the Ivy build system, but resolves its artifacts from a Maven repository using Aether. That means that the pom descriptor and the directory structure are not converted into Ivy format, but are kept as they were in the original Maven repository. This build system is also able to grab Maven-style artifacts produced by any other project in the same dbuild configuration file, and republish them with a different cross-version and version number; an example is supplied later in this guide, in the "Spaces" section.

The uri field follows the syntax "aether:organization#name;revision". For example:

  name:   test4
  system: aether
  uri:   "aether:org.scala-sbt#compiler-interface;0.12.4"

If cross-versions are in use, the Scala version suffix must be explicitly added to the name, for example: "aether:org.specs2#specs2_2.10;1.12.3". The "extra" options are the following:

 "main-jar"    : <true-or-false>
 "sources"     : <true-or-false>
 "javadoc"     : <true-or-false>

The main-jar flag defaults to true, the other two to false.


Some aspects of the Aether build system are not yet fully implemented. In particular, snapshots may not be resolved correctly; also, missing dependencies will not be detected at this time (see check-missing, above).

Assemble-specific options

The "assemble" build system is especially designed to work in conjunction with 2.11-style Scala modules, and in particular to address the case in which a cycle exists between the core (library/compiler) and the modules. It works by specifying a nested list of projects, each of which will be built independently. At the end, all of the resulting artifacts will be collected, and their pom/ivy description files will be rearranged so that they all refer to one another, as if all of the artifacts were produced by a single project.

In this build system, the "uri" section need not be specified, as all the source files are specified by the nested projects. The syntax of the "extra" block is just:

 "parts"  : <sub-build>

where "sub-build" is a build definition identical to the "build" section of the top-level configuration file: a record with a list of projects and a further optional section "option". For example:

build.options.cross-version: full
  system: assemble
  name:   scala2 {
    cross-version: standard
    sbt-version: "0.13.0"
  } [
      name:   scala-xml
      system: ivy
      uri:    "ivy:org.scala-lang.modules#scala-xml_2.11.0-M6;1.0.0-RC6"
      set-version: "1.2.5-RC33"
    }, {
      name:   scala-parser-combinators
      system: ivy
      uri:    "ivy:org.scala-lang.modules#scala-parser-combinators_2.11.0-M6;1.0.0-RC4"
      set-version: "1.7.20-RC11"
    }, {

The nested projects can use any build system (including "assemble" itself), and can generate artifacts either in Maven or Ivy format.

Since the nested projects are built independently, each in isolation, in case any of them relies on further dependencies dbuild will be unable to find them, and will stop with an error message to that effect. You usally need to set "" to "standard", as shown above, in order to disable the dependency checking for the nested projects only (the corresponding option for the top-level file will remain unaffected).

Note that a "set-version" placed as the same level as "system: assemble" will be ignored, as the versions of the parts are used instead. Conversely, a "cross-version" placed at the same level will be used to determine the cross suffix to be used for the output of the rewritten artifacts, at the end of the "assemble" rewriting.


The resulting aggregate project may rely on some external libraries; since all its parts are built independently, those libraries will be used at compile time with whatever version is requested by the standard build file of each part, even if those libraries are provided by other dbuild projects in the same dbuild configuration file.

Consequently, dbuild will not "see" the dependency in its dependency graph. That is ok as long as the dependency is only needed at compile time; you should make sure that no ignored dependency is needed at runtime, as library conflicts may arise otherwise. A warning message will be displayed by dbuild during extraction (only when the dependencies are first extracted).


The "assemble" system is designed to provide a transitional compatibility with the initial stages of the Scala 2.11 modularization process. Due to its limitations, and due to the fact that the parts are built independently, it does not offer the same advantages and checks of a standard build file, in which all projects are built on top of one another. It is therefore advisable to adopt a regular (non-cyclic) build as soon as that is feasible.

Scala-specific options

The "scala" build system is no longer in use. The documentation in this section is only retained as a reference; the Scala compiler is currently built using sbt.

In the case of the "scala" build system, the "extra" record is:

 "build-number"   : <build-number>,
 "exclude"        : [ subproj1, subproj2,... ]
 "targets"        : [ ["target1","path1"],["target2,"path2"],... ]
 "build-options"  : [ opt1, opt2,... ]

Each of the fields is optional. The are:


The contents of the file can be overridden by using this option. It is specified as:

 "major"  : <major>,
 "minor"  : <minor>,
 "patch"  : <patch>,
 "bnum"   : <bnum>,

See below for further details on how to change the different variations on the Scala version number.

The ant-based Scala build does not support real subprojects. However, dbuild will simulate multiple subprojects based on the artifact names. This "exclude" clause can be used to prevent some artifacts from being published or advertised as available to the rest of the dbuild projects. They will still be built, however.

The Scala build system will normally generate the files by invoking the target "publish.local", if available. If the target "publish.local" is not available, it will run instead "distpack-maven" in "dists/maven/latest", followed by "deploy.local".

If required, this options can be used to specify an alternate sequence of targets that should be used instead to generate the Scala compiler files; each element is a pair where the first element is the ant target name, and the second is a relative path (using "/" as a separator) leading to the build.xml where the target is defined. For the latter, a path of "." or "" can be used to refer to the project root.

A sequence of strings; they will be appended to the ant options when compiling. This option can be used to define additional properties, or to set other flags. If left unspecified, no additional options will be passed to ant, and the default targets will produce a build that is non-optimized. In order to compile an optimized build, just append to build-options the string "-Dscalac.args.optimise=-optimise".

Scala version numbers

The handling of version numbers in the Scala build system is made somewhat more complicated by the variety of ways in which version strings are passed to ant while compiling Scala. The combination of build-number, set-version (described above), and build-options, however, makes it possible to control all the various aspects. In detail, this is the way in which versions are handled:

The first version number is the one that is passed to ant via a property called maven.version.number. If set-version is specified, the corresponding string will be used. If there is no set-version, the version string will be derived from the content of the file build.number, in the checked out source tree, with an additional build-specific suffix. If there is no build.number, the Scala build system will use instead the version string contained in the file dbuild.json, if present, with the build-specific suffix. If both dbuild.json and build.number exist, the version in build.number will be used.
The content of the build.number, independently, will also affect the calculation of some of the version strings used by the Scala ant system. If the extra option build-option is used, its content will be used to overwrite the content of the build.number file inside the source tree. This replacement will not affect the calculation of maven.version.number described above.
other properties
The Scala ant build file uses internally other properties; as mentioned previously, they can be set if needed by using the option build-options. The main option that is probably of interest is build.release; it can be set using: build-options:["-Dbuild.release=true"]

Customizing the list of repositories

While compiling the various projects, dbuild will look for artifacts (either Maven or Ivy) in a list of repositories. The list can be customized, for instance in order to use a local Artifactory instance that acts as a proxy (useful to speed up resolution), or to add further custom repositories.

The list of repositories can be specified in one (or both) of two ways: as a local configuration, or directly in the build configuration file.

Locally, the list of resolvers can be customized by modifying the stanza [repositories] of the file, in the bin subdirectory that also contains the dbuild executable.

Conversely, in each build configuration file, the set of repositories can be specified by defining them under the options.resolvers path, as in this example:

vars.ivyPat: ", [organization]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)...
options.resolvers: {
  0: "local"
  1: "cachemvn: http://localhost:8088/artifactory/repo"
  2: "cacheivy: http://localhost:8088/artifactory/repo"${vars.ivyPat}

The syntax for the each resolver specification is exactly the same that is also used by sbt.

All of the properties defined under options.resolvers in that manner are collected, and sorted alphabetically by key; the resulting list is then used to resolve artifacts for that dbuild run.

The order of the definitions in the JSON configuration file is not important; all of the resolvers found within options.resolver are collected at the end, and sorted alphabetically by key. In the example above, "local" (with label "0") would come before "cachemvn" (label "1") even if the lines were swapped. The labels need not be numerical al all, but can be any string: they are sorted alphabetically.

In case the list is shared by multiple build files, a definition can also be obtained using the vars facility, in conjunction with an external property file that may live on the local file system, or at a given URL. For example, the build configuration file could contain:

properties: "file:/some/path/file.props"
options.resolvers: ${vars.resolvers}

where the file file.props would contain the following:

resolvers.0: local
resolvers.1: cachemvn: http://localhost:8088/artifactory/repo
resolvers.2: cacheivy: http://localhost:8088/artifactory/repo, [organization]/[...

The way in which the local list and the build configuration file list are used is the following:

  • If no resolvers are defined in the build file, then the list in is used.
  • If at least one resolver has been defined in the build file, the list of default resolvers in is ignored.
  • However, if the option --no-resolvers (or -r) is passed to dbuild, the resolvers in are always used, and the ones in the build configuration file are skipped.

Frequently, and especially if dbuild is used under Jenkins, it is convenient to include the repositories directly in the configuration file, under options.resolvers, so that it can be more easily modified. Such a list will typically include proxies or other resolvers that may not be available elsewhere. By using the --no-resolvers option, the same configuration file can be tested unchanged on a local machine, and it will use only the resolvers list defined locally on that specific machine.

The related options --no-notify and --local options may also apply in that case (use dbuild --help for details).

Building a single target project

It is sometimes useful, during debugging, to build just one specific project, out of all those listed in a configuration file, together with its required dependencies.

That can be done by specifying the required project as an additional argument on the command line, for example:

$ bin/dbuild config.dbuild project

It is also possible to specify more than one target, by supplying a comma-separated list of projects (with no blanks in between).

Automatic cleanup

During its operation, dbuild creates temporary directories in which to perform dependency extraction and the actual building of the various projects. Those directories are left around at the end of the build, in case you would like to inspect their content, for debugging purposes.

In order to avoid letting those directories accumulate over time, dbuild will automatically clean up the data directories that are older than a configurable age. Such cleanup is performed in the background, while dbuild compiles new projects.

It is not normally necessary to change anything in the cleanup configuration, as everything is done automatically. If, however, for some reason you prefer to keep temporary data around for longer, or rather to delete them sooner, the expiration deadlines can be explicitly configured as follows:

options.cleanup: {
  extraction: {
    success: 120
    failure: 168
  build: {
    success: 48
    failure: 168

The numbers are the maximum age, specified in hours; the values in this example are the defaults. This means that, for example, the temporary data for a failed build will be kept around for seven days, while the build files for a successful build will, by default, be deleted after two days. You can of course specify only one or more of the parameters above.

If all ages are set to zero, all prior data will be removed when dbuild starts; the temporary files corresponding to the current run of dbuild will be preserved in any case.

Build timeouts

Builds can get stuck for a variety of reasons. For instance, a test may end up in an infinite loop, or a development version of a build tool may get stuck for some reason. In order to avoid blocking the build indefinitely, dbuild relies on a number of timeouts, which can be tuned individually.

The default values, which can be individually overridden, are the following:

options.timeouts: {
  extraction: "1 hour"
  build:"5 hours"
  extraction-phase: "6 hours"
  build-phase: "16 hours"
  dbuild: "23 hours"

The timeouts are:

This is the timeout that we allow for each dependency extraction to complete. It may include git/svn checkout, maven/ivy resolution, and the actual extraction process.
The timeout that we allow for each build to complete (during the build phase), again including checkout, resolution, code compilation, and possibly testing.
This is the maximum duration that we allow for the entire extraction phase to complete, for all of the projects together.
As above, for the build phase: it is the limit on the time used for the building and testing of all the projects. This is particularly useful if you would like to perform extraction but don't proceed to the build stage: you can just specify "1 seconds" for this timeout.
This is the overall maximum duration for the entire dbuild run, including all the extractions, all the builds and tests, and also the time used for the final tasks like notifications, deploy, comparisons, and so on.

The format of each value is "<length><unit>", where whitespace is allowed before, between and after the parts. For example, valid durations are "2 seconds", "1 day", "11.25 hours", "80 minutes". For all of the timeouts, the maximum duration is 21474835 seconds, or about 248.5 days. All durations must be greater than zero ("1 nanosecond" is ok, but "0 days" is not).


Some of the options described on this page have further extensions that are used when compiling and using sbt plugins. Those extensions will be described later, as they rely on the "spaces" feature of dbuild, which is introduced in a subsequent section.

Next: Build options.