


Spaces are a powerful dbuild feature that allows you to describe the flow of dependencies across projects, and to group artifacts in independent sets within the same dbuild configuration file.

They are quite easy to use. In principle, each project just contains an optional field "space", that you can use to specify which logical space the project belongs to. If the field is not specified, the space "default" is used.

For example, let's assume that we want to compile two projects whose dependencies should not be related to one another. We can just write:

  space: one
  name: a
  uri: "git://a..."
  space: two
  name: b
  uri: "git://b..."

In this example, the dependencies of project "a" will be rewritten using only the other projects that are in the same space "one"; similarly for project "b". Interestingly, the two projects could also generate the same, or overlapping sets of artifacts: since they are in two separate spaces, they will not interfere with one another.

From and to

When used as in the above example, independent spaces are a simple way to group together unrelated groups of projects. However, projects can use spaces in a much more flexible way, by specifying different source and target spaces for their artifacts. For example:

  space: first
  name: a
  uri: "git://a..."
  space.from: first second
  name: b
  uri: "git://b..."
  space.from: first third
  name: c
  uri: "git://c..."

In this example, the artifacts that are found in the first space will be used to rewrite the dependencies of project "a"; its resulting artifacts will also be made available to the same first space. However, the projects "b" and "c" are publishing their artifacts instead to two different spaces: their artifacts are independent, but they can both use the artifacts compiled by "a".

To make a concrete example, if the first space contains a given Scala compiler and other libraries, including "a", then the projects "b" and "c" could be two different commits of the same project. Both will then be tested using the same compiler, and the same ecosystem of libraries contained in the first spece.

Building in stages

An ideal application of spaces is building projects in stages, in order to bootstrap a build, for instance. In that case, you can set up a chain of spaces in which you have {from:a,to:b}, {from:b,to:c}, {from:c,to:d}, and so on until your artifacts are stable.

You should be careful while handling dependencies, however, as you should make sure that each space at each stage contains all of the dependencies required by the following one, in order to avoid dependencies conflicts (see below for more).

Disabling dependencies rewriting

If you specify as a source space the empty string "", dbuild will not change anything in the dependencies of your project, leaving everything to its normal defaults. You should of course be wary about possible dependencies conflict that may arise as a result, as explained below.

If the target "to" space is "", similarly, the set of published artifacts will become invisible to other projects; this can be useful for testing.

Copying across spaces

One additional application of spaces is republishing just-compiled artifacts using different version numbers, or cross-versioning suffixes, without having to do the round trip to a Maven repository. For example, using the Ivy build system, one can simply use:

  space.from: xxx yyy
  name: a
  system: ivy
  uri: "ivy:org#name;version"
  set-version: "1.9.31-RC5"

The artifact generated by some project in space xxx will simply be grabbed, renamed, and made available to space yyy. It can also be deployed to Maven/Artifactory/Nexus just by referring to project "a" by name.

Multiple "to"s

It is also possible to specify multiple destination spaces in one step. For example:

  name: a
  uri: "git://a..."
  space.from: xxx [ xxx, yyy ]

This mechanism can be used to arrange spaces in a tree with minimal effort. The section below contains important details about using multiple spaces.

Organizing spaces

One important point to remember is that spaces are unrelated. Because of that, you should ensure that each project will have access to all of the artifacts it may need.

If "cross-version: standard" is used, in particular, the missing artifacts may be grabbed from external repositories without control, potentially leading to dependency conflicts.

Let's make an example:

  space: xxx
  name: a
  uri: "..."
  space.from: xxx yyy
  name: b
  uri: "..."
  space: yyy
  name: c
  uri: "..."

In this example, we have the artifacts of a, b that are visible in space xxx, while only b and c are visible in yyy.

When rewriting the dependencies of project c, only the artifacts of b will be used. If b depends on a, project c will be unable to see the artifacts of a.

That may cause dependencies conflicts: the pom file of b will contain a reference to a, while c may happen to pull in an unrelated version of the same artifacts, which may not be compatible.

In order to avoid this sort of problems, all spaces should also contain all of the artifacts of the spaces that logically precede them: a first space contains some artifacts, then a second contains all of the above plus some others, a third again all of them plus a few more, and so on.

That can be easily done by publishing to all of the needed children spaces, by using the multiple "to"s feature. In the case above, we would have:

  space.from: xxx [xxx, yyy, zzz]
  name: a
  uri: "..."
  space.from: xxx [xxx, yyy, zzz]
  name: b
  uri: "..."
  space: yyy
  name: c
  uri: "..."
  space: zzz
  name: d
  uri: "..."

Here we have that both c and d have access to the artifacts of a and b, as well as their own.

Specifying "from" and "to" in each project may be a bit tedious however, which is why there is a handy shorthand syntax available.

A simpler syntax

We know that projects are described in general using the syntax:

build.projects: [{...},{...}]

This is supplemented by a list of defaults, which are directly specified as fields of build:

build: {
  sbt-version: "..."
  extraction-version: "..."
  projects: [{...},{...}]

Each project can provide their own value for "extraction-version", "sbt-version", etc, but if they do not, the value in build offers a handy default.

The same syntax can also applied to spaces. For example:

build: {
  space: one
  projects: [{
    name: a
    name: b

Unless a project defines its own space specification, the default (in this case "one") will be used. If none is present the standard "default" space is used.

In order to specify more easily lists of projects in unrelated spaces, the following syntax is also available:

build: [{
  space.from: one
  projects: [{
    name: a
    uri: "..."
    name: b
    uri: "..."
  space: two
  projects: [{
    name: c
    uri: "..."
    name: d
    uri: "..."

If you need to publish a set of projects to multiple spaces, therefore, the syntax can be simply:

build: [{
  space.from: xxx [xxx, yyy, zzz]
  projects: [{
    name: a
    uri: "..."
    name: b
    uri: "..."
  space: yyy
  projects: [...]


If you have a space specification in a specific project, it will completely override the general one in the "build" section. Therefore, you will need to specify in the project both the space.from and the values: if you only specify one of the two, the other will not be inherited from the general build space specification.

Hierarchical spaces

OK, we lied: spaces are not all independent: they can actually be arranged in a hierarchical structure. The discussion above was however crucial at introducing the reasons why they are useful, and the inherent dangers of using incomplete sets of dependencies.

In order to use nested spaces, just name them with a dot-separated name. Projects in those spaces will be able to see all the artifacts of the projects that published in all enclosing spaces.

For instance, if you have space.from: "aaa.bbb", you will see all the dependencies published to aaa.bbb, as well as those published to aaa.

The example above can now be simply rewritten as:

  space: xxx
  name: a
  uri: "..."
  space: xxx
  name: b
  uri: "..."
  space: xxx.yyy
  name: c
  uri: "..."
  space: xxx.zzz
  name: d
  uri: "..."

But wait, there's more!

Variables expansion

Variables expansion works great in conjunction with spaces, in order to reduce verbosity and duplication. For example, let's assume that we have a given project that needs to be built against multiple versions of Scala, each of which lives in a different space. We can easily define the common structure of the project once, then define the three occurrences. For example:

vars.p: {
  uri: "git://"
  sbt-version: "0.13.0"
  extra.projects: "core"
  ...more stuff...

build.projects: [
 ${vars.p} {
  space: one
  name: t1
 ${vars.p} {
  space: two
  name: t2
 ${vars.p} {
  space: three
  name: t3


Spaces work as artifact repositories of sorts. Each project has a single "from", and only the dependent artifacts that are reachable within that particular space, also transitively, will be made available to the project, but not those in other spaces. The fact that cross-space transitive dependencies are not included is by design: it would be impossible to support bootstrap cycles otherwise.

Republishing artifacts

A further application of spaces is the opportunity to republish existing artifacts in a different space, changing in the process the cross-versioning suffix and the version number. That can be accomplished by using the Aether build system, for example. Consider the following configuration:

build.projects: [
    name: lib, system: aether, set-version: "2.10.18"
    uri: "aether:org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.2"
    name: "gpg-republish" source
    system: aether
    uri: "aether:com.jsuereth#gpg-library_2.10;0.8.3"
    cross-version: full
    set-version-suffix: "test"

In this example, an external artifact will be republished locally as com.jsuereth#gpg-library_2.10.18;0.8.3-test. It is similarly possible to republish artifacts compiled by some other project. That requires a bit of attention, however. First, the version string specified in the uri must match that of an existing already published artifact. That is necessary since, during the initial extraction stage, dbuild needs to look somewhere in order to discover the project dependencies, and the source project has not been built yet at that point. Second, the project needs to be "injected" a dependency on itself. For example, let us consider the following project:

  name: republishtest
  space.from: source dest
  deps.inject: "com.jsuereth#gpg-library"
  system: aether
  uri: "aether:com.jsuereth#gpg-library_2.10;0.8.3"
  cross-version: disabled
  set-version-suffix: "fix"

If we generated the gpg-library artifacts in the source space, either by downloading them or by generating them from source, they will now also be republished to the dest space with different cross-version suffix and version number. That may be useful in order to generate multiple copies of the same artifacts, with different version suffixes for example, in different spaces without the need to recompile them. In order to make sure that the projects are being republished correctly, you can check for the list of dependencies in the "Dependency Information" section of the log file.

Next: sbt plugins support.